I have been an 'all the feels' girl all my life. I feel lots. I feel deeply. But right now, there are so many feels, it is hard to truly feel any of them.
In the wake of the launch of my book, a friend was asking how the launch has been going, and with a deep sigh, yet simultaneous smile, I bared it all. She smiled and reminded me of this sage piece of wisdom, "It's OK to have more than one feeling at a time." In agreement I nodded, and then we both said that was exactly why we loved the statement 'all the feels'.
I feel like, while I wrote my infertility story, the chapter of expecting has not yet ended. I feel like I'm trying to live in two chapters at once.
I feel 100% supported and encouraged by an amazing circle of friends & family, yet I feel 100% anonymous in the author/book world. I am trying to focus on access to my story, not the success of my story, but it's hard not to equate.
I feel like now that I've actually accomplished what I have been aiming for, it's never what is imagined and I have to re-calibrate to reality.
I feel blessed to hear the ways people have already been moved and helped by my experiences, the slow ripple effect of what my book has been doing for women is everything I wanted. I want to shout their shares from the roof tops! Yet, many of these women are not ready to share they even need my book.
I feel unsure of what is next.
And I feel like I'm not the only one who needs to hear, "It's OK to have more than one feeling at a time."
It's OK that not all the feels are good feels.
It's OK to feel unsure.
Let yourself feel what you need to feel.
It's OK.