Sneak Peak into a Coaching Session

Sometimes we know that we need to do something new & different that is good for us, but the uncertainty and the unkowns make it hard to take that step. 

As someone who has had a life long struggle with anxiety about the uncertainties of life, I get it. I remember being 14 and my parents were able to take us on a vacation to California and Disneyland, which meant flying for the first time. Even though I was over-joyed about where we were heading, the unknowns of flying in order to get there almost made me too fearful to get on that flight. But I did it. And that's a little how I felt before my first Coaching session, not knowing what to expect at all.

For this reason I wanted to give you a sneak peak into what a Coaching session with me looks like, a little road map to help you know more about what you can expect.

On my social media earlier this month I shared this graphic to give a brief overview of what a typical session looks like.

Here's a more in-depth look at the flow of what a typical Coaching session looks like:

Check in
This is a simple 'how are you doing' type greeting, to provide an opportunity to share briefly where you are at, a chance for you to express yourself and where you can provide insights into how you are feeling prior to beginning our time together. 

Centering Breath Work
Next, I take us through a breathing exercise called box breathing which leads us through some deep breaths. Deep breathing allows people to feel “centered.” Such breathing not only lowers defenses, relaxes the body, and slows heart rate but also gives people access to their higher mental powers. It also has the ability to calm and regulate emotions, lowering stress. This is why it helps us feel centered, because it has a positive affect on us physically, mentally and emotionally. What a great place to start our work from!

Reflective Exercises
To know what direction you will want to move in through Coaching, we begin with discovery exercises that help you reflect on various aspects of yourself. These activities are done in phases as we move through my Coaching framework, which I call the PRISM Change Process.

In these phases I introduce you to a variety of resources designed to gain perspective, understand your challenges, discover your desired path, and then work towards making that a reality in your life. I've shared a variety of these tools on my social media, such as; working on your foundational health, how to develop effective habits, the importance of understanding your values, the power of our thoughts, the impact of personality, etc.

This is where you take stock of the gap between the life you have and the life you want, through the lens of what you are able to control. I find that when women journeying to become mothers face detours, they tend to forget the many pieces of who they are and focus on that one desired identity. They put the other joys life offers on the back burner and chase after something that can instead feel like it's mostly robbing us of the joy we desire. One of the biggest gifts we can give ourselves through that journey - whether it's a detour that delays or denies our dreams of motherhood - is take care of our selves first and foremost.  It is in our best interest, and the best interest of whatever our family looks like some day, for us to be our healthiest and happiest selves. However that looks like for you, that is what I want to partner with you to accomplish. 

Coaching Conversation
The Reflective Exercises are designed to give you the space you need for self-discovery, and during each session you are given space to share anything you’d like about your experience through those activities, or maybe you’ll share about something significant that happened since our last session. My role as your Coach is to actively & compassionately listen, reflect your experiences back to you, and offer further prompts or questions intended to assist with additional reflection and exploration. Time is given to notice thoughts and emotions that arise during the session, to make connections between what you are learning and real world application. As a Coach I am an additional resource in this exploration, you are free to ask questions or for suggestions, however I work to guide & empower you to find the right answers for yourself.  I am here 100% as your support, and a source of encouragement, but also to challenge the ways you hold youreslf back.

Action Steps
Before we end our session, we talk about the next step or next phase we will be working on together and what actions that involves. We clearly outline what your tasks (I don't like the word homework) are between now and our next session, and what accountability plans you may need to accomplish them. 

The session ends with a chance to ask any final questions for clarification or for any final thoughts. Altogether, the session takes a total of 60-minutes from start to finish and is completely confidential. After, we will often pencil in our next session time so we can stay consistent and committed to the work. 

I hope this glimpse into a Coaching session may have peaked some interest into what potential Coaching might hold for you, and the possibilities that await you for joy on your journey. If you think a Coaching session might be for you, click here to book a free 30 min. meet + greet, and we can chat about what Coaching could look like for you. I can answer any questions you have, and we can see if we would make a good fit!

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